This Editor’s Pick is Genesis 1-15, Volume 1 (1) (Word Biblical Commentary)
. This is by far the best book on the early chapters of Genesis 1-11. Each section of the book is divided up into further sections. It starts out with the translation to English from the original language of the text, Hebrew. The translation has a plethora of translation notes to better understand the nuance of the Hebrew language, which doesn’t always translated very well into English. After that the book dives into the form, structure, and setting of that particular section under review. This section can be a bit academic, and some may find it boring; however, it is immensely helpful. Those who are new to studying the Bible may want to return to this section at a later time, but I would not recommend skipping it.
The next part of the section is the comment section. Here, the author provides a deep dive, almost verse-by-verse, commenting on what the text is meaning. Finally, the last part of the section is call “explanation,” which brings everything together, giving a summary and meaning to the text and why it is in the Bible. For those new to Bible study may want to start and read only the explanation parts of the book, and then re-read the book in whole. There is so much value in this book, I believe it is best book I have on not just Genesis, but my entire Bible.