RL Book Club August 2020
Religious Learning will now have a monthly book club! We will be discussing each book in a discussion forum, which you will need to register with the website to join. It is FREE!
The first book for August 2020 is
The Forgotten Kingdom: The Archaeology and History of Northern Israel (Ancient Near East Monographs)If you want to also get September 2020’s book, we will be reading Fool’s Talk: Recovering the Art of Christian Persuasion.
I’ve ordered the book and I’m ready for September too because I have Fools Talk and I’m rereading it because it’s so good.
I tried to register for the forum. I got told I was a suspected bot. So anyway, I’ve read the introduction and the first chapter. I can tell you Dr. Finkelstein is not that sympathetic to the Bible (“it is what it is”). He has determined the OT was written 100 years after Israel, the northern kingdom fell. More comments to come if I get into the forum.
Sorry about the problems getting registered. I’ve added you and you should receive an email. Let me know if you have any other trouble.
As for Finkelstein, he is definitely critical of the maximalists, but he has also been equally critical of minimalists as well. He seems to think, at least archaeologically speaking, the Bible can be relied upon for the most part, though not always.